Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

You have a reason to move on, leaving to talk to the
bald guy. And, you have the perfect excuse to talk
with her again. She's wondering how it went with
the bald guy, so you go back and report, right?
It works at any gathering, wet or dry. Wait
awhile if people are drinking. Booze puts her at ease
as it stiffens your spine.
As a man, the early conversations are only to
show her you're safe and interesting. Your goal in
later conversations is to let her see you're an attrac-
tive, discreet man, someone it would he fun to date.
As you interact, emotional vibes and signals are
exchanged. The longer you talk the better, up to a
point. Five minutes into the first, and even the sec-
ond conversation, it's time to move on, for a while.
To attract her you must show interest but not too
much interest. Demonstrate exactly that by walking
away. Later, during another conversation, the two
of you can continue the courtship, if you have The
Right Attitude. That's coming up shortly.
Reluctance, Resistance And Tests are imposed by
women on the men who wish to court them. So, the
next chapter is aimed directly at men. Even so,
women can learn that some of their demands may
be too much, even for Sir Gallahad.

Fire me up with your resistance
Put me in the mood.


Resistance And Tests
When I got divorced, I was so naive about court-
ship and dating. The radical changes that had taken
place in The Dating Game were shocking. Women
were so distrustful, so cynical and so unwilling to
take my word for anything.
I didn't realize that nowadays women do not trust
any man. It took me two years to accept that it was
normal for a woman to test me to see if I measured
up to her standards. Does this sound familiar?
Courtship is practiced by all species in which the
male is a beggar, that is, the female does not instinc-
tively and actively seek copulation.
It should, it's from the fourth chapter! Men, the
key word is beggar. She has what you want, but
every other man wants it too. Why should she give it
to you? She knows nothing about you. Your inten-
tions and sincerity are suspect. Your manliness is
unknown. Your worthiness has yet to be deter-
Before she can be persuaded, a woman must be
convinced that you're worthwhile. In short, she
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