Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


she's capable of enjoying.
If she feels pressure to move faster, she will dig in
her heels, figuratively, and resist. Once this hap-
pens, you will get nowhere by trying to persuade
her. Back off! Be patient not persistent. Wait until
you "accidentally" cross her path again.
Make Meeting Commandment I your touchstone.
If you startle her, radiate lust or even momentarily
embarrass her during the crucial opening moments,
all is lost. Make only a friendly, relaxed gesture.
Smile and say, "Hi." Resist the urge to take charge.
Don't get me wrong. There are times when she'll
be most excited and interested by your direct, strong
approach. However, you will make few, if any, fatal
mistakes by waiting to see if coming on hard is
what's really needed.

To avoid the dangers of emotional and sexual in-
timacy, insecure and immature females, of all ages,
play Rapo. And, inadequate men play Cavalier.
When you come on strong and you're impatient,
you become the perfect victim for her, or his, little
game. Take your time. Have another sip of cham-
pagne. Ask yourself, "Too smooth? Too willing? Too
good to be true?" Have another sip and mull over
the answers you come up with.
Remember, identify a Rapo or Cavalier player by
how calm and relaxed they are during their interac-
tion with you. They're not nervous. It's only a game.
Women, if you have not read the Preface, please
do so now, before you read the blunt talk in the next
chapter, Courtship Tactics For Women.

All men only want one thing!


Tactics For Women
Many women do not realize how much power they
have, especially during the early stages of courtship.
I believe many women make poor choices in men
because they do not feel powerful. They think they
have to make do with any guy they can get. To feel
powerful, you must know why you are powerful,
then accept, in your guts, that you are powerful.
Let's re-phrase what Mom and Dad told you
about men so that you have a more realistic view of
the world and a more powerful regard for yourself.
Instead of, their well meant, All men only want one
thing! Shift it to, You have what he wants.
Understand that once he is interested in you, he
is the beggar. You are the powerful one. Why are
you powerful? because you can say "no," at any time.
In every human relationship, from love to employ-
ment, the person who says "no," has all the power.
Let's define exactly what you must accomplish.
In short, you must: Find him. Attract him. Meet and
talk with him. Get him interested enough to date
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