Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

the promenade. All the males notice, then check you
out, somewhat discreetly, as you pass by.
If he's sitting behind you, reach back, lift your
hair and fluff it in a pretense at increasing your
comfort. This exposes your secret bare neck. Be
brief, only a glimpse to peak his interest.
If standing with your back to him, put your hands
in the rear pockets of your jeans or slacks. The
movement draws his eyes to you, then to your but-
tocks. Once again, primal, thus difficult to ignore.
You are doubly powerful. You have the power to
attract him and at the same time, the power to reas-
sure him.
Eye contact followed by a smile is the most effec-
tive attention getter any woman has. It costs noth-
ing. It is safe. It is simple. Do it!
When you look at a man and smile, you nonver-
bally say, "Hi! How ya doin'. I'm friendly. I don't
bite."Now that's a message every man loves.
Doubt me? Think about how you react when any-
one, man, woman or child smiles at you. That's ex-
actly how we men feel when you smile at us.
Remember, a man must be reassured that you are
not going to embarrass him by laughing at him or
rejecting him rudely if he comes over to chat with
you. The smile you send is your first act of reas-
Some men need to be reassured more than once.
Some of us are shy no matter how much bravado we
exude. A few of us have been hurt in the past and
aren't certain that someone who merely smiled is
actually interested. Then there are those of us who
aren't not that socially adept, thus we don't get the
first message you send.
Don't give up if your first smile doesn't have the
Courtship Tactics For Women 87
impact you want. Wait a few minutes, then give him
a louder, stronger signal.
Without looking at him, gradually shift your pos-
ture to erect then turn so your body is facing him.
Pull your shoulders back slightly to make your
breasts more prominent. Now, look directly at him.
Continue to stare until he looks at you. When he
does, hold his eyes for longer than socially appropri-
ate, then smile briefly and look down in a slightly
submissive way to break off eye contact.
After the awkward, exciting first few moments
have passed, if he does not offer his name and shake
hands, offer your hand and your name. Use the im-
mense power of touch to communicate whatever you
want him to know about you. At the same time use
your intuition to learn as much about him as you
can during those precious few seconds.
Most men love to talk about themselves. After the
standard obligatory questions and statements, al-
ways ask him something about himself that gets
him talking. Typical subjects men can ramble on for-
ever about and enjoy themselves, thus you:
Athletic deeds
College shenanigans
Manly hobbies
His first car
Foreign travel
Gambling wins
Ideas to make money.
Military service exploits
Present job, dream job
Favorite movies
At the beginning of his monologue, encourage him
by appearing to listen attentively as follows: lean
forward, nod, give him a few "uh huh's," raise your
eyebrows, tilt your head. Keep your hands off your
face and mouth. Don't cross your arms in front of
your chest. Don't steeple.
After he gets into to it, use your intuition to de-

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