Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

As explained in Reluctance, Resistance And Tests,
when you are obvious about being strongly inter-
ested, some women write you off as a pushover.
With others, if you radiate too much indifference, it
causes them to lose face. The End. Finally, other
women believe that just by being friendly, they are
chasing you! So what works?
Nearly all women are attracted to a man who
won't kiss ass. They are strongly drawn by self-con-
fidence, feigned or real.
In short, she will date you, if you're friendly but
slightly aloof, relaxed but powerful and confident
without being arrogant. Your unspoken attitude
must be:
I'm not going to chase you. Sure, I'm friendly,
but I'm friendly with everyone. Yeah, I'm some-
what interested. It might be possible if you,
lady, play your cards right. Well, gotta go.
Catch you later. By the way, you're not bad.
Here's how you communicate The Right Attitude
without words.

Courtship Tactics For Men 91


Sometimes open posture
Body usually angled away
Rarely lean toward her
Neutral or pleasant face
Preen now and again
Relaxed posture
Rarely touch her
Polite smiles

All openness
Body facing her
Always lean toward her
Moderately serious
Preen often
Erect, ready posture
Touch as often as possible
Broad smiles
Occasional, intense eye contact Look her in the eyes
Caress yourself once -Caress yourself regularly
Hold your glass steady Finger glass sensually

As you talk, make her feel like she must try
harder before you'll make a move. The best course to

follow is showing brief flashes of intense sexual and
romantic interest. Not with words, right? Separate
these with long periods of being pleasant while re-
maining moderately aloof.
Once in a while throw in a few digs and a bit of
sarcasm to irritate her. This keeps her off balance
and guessing about you. It also makes it clear that
she must fish or cut bait as well as forcing her to
realize that she will get nowhere is she's only just
engaging in, what she considers, harmless flirting.
During it all you must nonverbally demonstrate
that you are dominant. The simplest act of aggres-
sion is to lean into her personal space briefly, then
lean back out, as you continue talking all the while.
Use any pretense, such as setting your glass on the
coffee table.
Another way to dominate is to briefly become
larger than she is. When you are both sitting, stand
up as if you're getting the kinks out, but keep talk-
ing as you tower over her, then sit back down.
After demonstrating that you are the dominant
one, you must reassure her that you intend no
harm. If you stood up to tower over her, after you sit
down, adopt a timid, shy posture for a couple of
seconds. If you leaned into her personal space, do
the same when you lean back out.
Confident people are not in a hurry, not pushy,
not nervous or excited. Moving slowly and talking
slowly at least gives the appearance of confidence.
First impressions are lasting impressions.
Take your time. Don't he too happy, too excited or
too interested. Of course, this applies to women as
well as men and not just in courtship settings, but
also in business and office politics.
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