Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
I don't care where we go
I don't care what we do
I don't care pretty baby
just take me with you.

Let's spend the night together.

Dating 107


What is a date? The next to last step of courtship.
It's any activity undertaken in the pretext of having
fun so that the female has time to decide, con-
sciously or subconsciously, if she has been per-
suaded by a worthy male.
Men, it took persistence, time and patience to in-
terest her and prove yourself. Even now that she's
attracted, more of the same is required for her to be
persuaded to take the last step. Don't remember
what the last step is? Flip back to What Is Courtship
and refresh your memory as to why we human ani-
mals go through this elaborate courtship business.
The purpose of a first date is to show her that you
really are worthy. You only need a few hours.
Use your head. What has she mentioned during
conversation? Suggesting a drink is fine. It's not
much to ask for, it's got a built-in time limit, thus
easy to accept.
Lunch at the park is on neutral turf. There, you're
both equally distant from home base. No one is too
defensive. But it's more of a commitment unless you
add, "I've got to be back by 2 PM."

Sunday brunch is great. During the suggestion
make it easier to accept by time limiting it. Add that
you have to be somewhere by 3 PM.
A dinner date is too much for starters. In our
culture it implies dinner and. Save it for later on
after things have heated up.
Want to ruin everything? Just say one of these:
"Would you like to," "If you're not busy," "Can you."
Why? Because The Right Attitude that attracts
and fascinates her turns to wispy smoke the instant
you ask for permission.
Suggest, don't ask. "I like talking with you. Let's
have brunch Sunday, at Charlie Brown's." Make
statements. Be positive. You're in charge here.
Maintain The Right Attitude. You'd like to date
her but you're not dying to. It would be cool, but if
she says "no," it's not even a slight ripple in your
world. You're relaxed. You know she wants to go out
with you, will go out with you, if you proposition her
the right way, next week or next month.
Touch is the most powerful, most reliable sense
we have. When we doubt our eyes as to whether or
not the flowers on the restaurant table are real, we
reach out and touch them.
With their differently wired brains, women have
the ability to discern even the most subtle meaning
in a man's touch. As a woman, use this ability to as-
sure yourself that he is what you think he is, even
when this stage has been reached.
On Shaking Hands explained that as a woman,
you have the ability to communicate a tremendous
amount of information about yourself, your motives,
your wants, your needs, your dislikes as well as
your limits, simply by the way you touch a man. Use
what you have.
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