Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


appealing to bisexual women, the women all of us
need to fulfill our favorite fantasy.
Single men learn how to recruit bi-curious and bi-
sexual women, one at a time, so a threesome can be
created in the future. Lori explains how guys, married
or single can introduce shy women to each other. And
of course, she explains how a guy can tactfully broach
the subject, then explain his desires, successfully!
I've have never, ever found a book on relationships
that I could stand behind until this one came along!
THREESOME is the only book on relationships I rec-
The advice rings true and corresponds with my me-
nage a trois experiences. Except for two, every young
woman I dated for more than a few months revealed
she was bi-curious or had sexual encounters with
other young women.
Threesome was written by someone who has been
there and done that for 15 years! Her chapters on se-
duction, alone, are worth the price of the book. You get
232 pages of reality: how, who, when, where, why and
what to do to arrange a threesome. It's like my books,
factual, practical, realistic and based on experience.
Lori has covered all aspects, anticipated your ques-
tions and has ways to keep you from screwing up this
grand adventure! Order this book!


2-HOUR VIDEO! Dress For Success and Body
Language Seminar
Joanna is spectacular! Frank! Funny! Bold! Honest!
We captured everything by taping with two cameras
the entire time.
Joanna, volunteers from the audience and I demon-
strate the key signs of interest and disinterest, both
from across the room and when engaged in verbal in-
Joanna presents her views on no-no's, hair, teeth
and any subject the guys wanted to hear about: Jo-
anna ranged from a sex with young woman through
toupees, SUVs, pickup trucks, t-shirts, jeans, side-
burns, music, hair dyes, long hair, sports cars, ear-
rings, Dockers, penny loafers, and on and on. Ex-
tremely informative as well as fun and entertaining. I
also have a tightly edited 90-minute audio cassette of
the highlights of the day. Buyers of the video get it for
After watching the video, slam in the audio tape
while you drive. I am a firm believer in REPETITION
as the key to learning this indispensable skill of court-
ship and dating.
See it. Listen to it. Understand it. RETAIN it.
Watch it again. Make notes. Listen to it again. READ
the book again. Within a few weeks, the entire subject
is burned into your memory. Then, when you are sit-
ting in a cafe doing Body Language Secrets homework
(watching couples and NOT listening to the words)
your storehouse of information is readily available.
Body Language becomes something you speak, read,
transmit and receive!
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