Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Dealing with their post-adolescent angst. What
happens to them at 25 after exposure to Randy Red-
Porsche. Truth: Why you'll only be able to date 10 per-
cent of them. This is not easy. You will not be getting
laid a few days after reading my books. It takes time,
patience and persistence. The ideal young woman for a
40ish divorced guy. Why you have to be a Man and
why nothing less will work. Why young women are so
subtle in the beginning and how to recognize and deal
with that. Mandatory review of On Not Being Too Nice
and what Don has learned since 1987.
July '99, we held an all day workshop focused on the
dictum, The Clothes Make The Man. Four young
women evaluated 20 guys in writing anonymously us-
ing a series of special forms shown on page 187. They
judged the man's overall appearance, style, and taste
plus his radiance of The Right Attitude. The guys were
standing, walking, sitting, introducing themselves and
talking with the young women.
We began wearing John Molloy's business outfit. At
noon, everyone changed into casual party attire. The
evaluations began again. The men tried on three differ-
ent colognes. The women's reaction to each scent was
secretly written on a sheet taped to back of his chair.
A lengthy panel session featuring the young women
answering any and all questions from the men, ranging
from views on prostitutes to argyle socks and tattoos.
Mostly, men wanted clear, concise feedback on how and
what to improve. They got it!
Honest, frank suggestions: gain weight, be more ex-
cited about what you're interested in, way shorter hair-
cut, tell me about you-don't ask about me, stop wearing
70s shirts, when talking with me—don't be so controlled,
burn that polyester jacket, lose 30 pounds, get contacts,
longer sideburns, and much, much more.
The final event of the day was a party until midnight
in our backyard where Joanna gave individual, cus-

Great Stuff! 165

tomized suggestions to any guy who asked on any sub-
ject. The guys heard her views on rock and roll, psycho-
therapy, wine, suntans, hairstyle changes, unbuttoning
shirts, and on and on into the night.
On their way out the door after the party, each guy
was given his packet of forms. We wanted them to not
bug Joanna or Don about what do you think this means
or why did she say that about this? They signed up to
get brutally honest feedback. They got it.
Related footage from other seminars and some of
Don's public lectures will be added.
This 2-hour video (price to be determined) will not be
ready until March 2000.
October '99, the Arts and Entertainment Channel
came to Whittier and taped Joanna and Don. They be-
gan at noon and ended at 10 PM!
During early negotiations on what the shoot was
about, the producer said he legally could not give us
his footage. We had two of Don's fans tape whatever
the A&E crew shot. No matter where we went, those
guys got it on tape.
A&E began by interviewing Don on camera for an
hour plus. Joanna was interviewed for 20 minutes.
Next, the producer wanted to capture a mini-seminar.
Joanna and Don coached three guys who have read
Volume I. They did a bit of everything: body language,
not wearing brown belts with blue slacks, manipulat-
ive women, answering leading questions, introducing
yourself, revealing who you are during conversation
and on and on.
Finally, we went to an art exhibition and reception
where our older guys interacted with seven young
women provided by the producer. Afterward, each of
the guys and some of the young women were
interviewed on camera about the experience
LOVE CHRONICLES begins on A&E mid October
'99. Our show is titled Ageless Love. It is an hour long,
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