Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Women's renown intuition arises from the way biol-
ogy and evolution "wired" female brains. The connec-
tion between, the left half and the right half of the fe-
male brain is much larger in women than it is in men.
Much to the displeasure of radical feminists,
physical differences between male and female
brains, as well as bodies, explain most, if not all,
gender-specific talents and capabilities.
Evolution wired female brains differently. That
causes them to have a different world-view as well
as different perceptions of everyday reality, court-
ship and romantic relationships.
Women's ability to notice extremely small
changes makes them far more (40%) proficient at
caring for infants as well as gathering food and sup-
plies for the clan.
Even an inexperienced woman can notice ex-
tremely minute changes in a newborn's facial ex-
pression and color as well as minuscule changes in
breathing rate and body temperature. This enables
a mother to recognize what the baby needs without
the child being able to speak. Obviously, this ability
was, is, and always will be, necessary for survival of
homo sapiens.
But, women don't efficiently process strictly ra-
tional, spatial information that arises in the left
brain because the larger connection allows interfer-
ence from the right brain. This causes a lesser abil-
ity to find their way in the wild, or in today's world,
to understand maps and blueprints.

Appendix 169

The smaller connection in men makes them far
more proficient (40%) at hitting a target with a
thrown object, such as a spear. This clearly makes
men far better hunters and warriors. It also ac-
counts for men's vastly superior ability in spatial
relations, a mandatory prerequisite to becoming a
draftsman, engineer or wilderness guide.
Differences in ability are scientifically demon-
strable from the age of two!
TIME, 1-20-92, Sizing Up The Sexes, Christine Gorman.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 9-92, Sex Differences in the
Brain, Doreen Kimura.

Females of every single species of mammal except
one, refuse to mate with non-aggressive males. That
species is our own, homo sapiens.
Passive males, and the women who seek them,
are products of a non-natural world, our world, the
civilized, industrialized, capitalistic Western World.
In the natural world of hunter-gather bands, a
non-aggressive male usually starves to death. Even
if he doesn't, no female will mate with him. Thus his
passive characteristics are never passed on.
In our world, parents do not need children to help
with hunting and gathering as our distant ancestors
did. In our world, parents do not need children to
help with the endless physical labor needed to sur-
vive on a single-family farm as our great-great
grandparents did.
This means that some parents can, and do, be-
have toward their children in ways that are heart-
less, erratic, stressful, abusive. In simple terms,
crazy as well as unnatural.
These children develop survival tactics as they
attempt to meet their normal, natural needs for
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