Science, Religion, and the Human Experience

(Jacob Rumans) #1

viii acknowledgments

steering committee drawn from the physical and life sciences, social and be-
havioral sciences, and humanities. In all, over sixty UCSB faculty participated
in some significant way during the three-year period of the lecture series.
UCSB’s Chancellor Henry Yang deserves special recognition for his sustained
and enthusiastic commitment to what must have appeared to be a rather un-
orthodox scholarly venture taking place on his campus.
The editor, Jim Proctor, offers appreciation to the distinguished guest
scholars who visited UCSB and presented lectures as a part of our series, then
carefully revised their lectures into publishable essays for the present volume.
It has been my joy to work with each one of them and get to know the person
behind the intellect. My hope is that our collective efforts will mark a watershed
in the scholarly study of science and religion, one where the human experience
is welcomed as an equal partner.
Finally, I wish to acknowledge continued support and love from my daugh-
ters, Joy and Elise, who mostly heard of our Science, Religion, and the Human
Experience series secondhand through discussions at home, but finally showed
up for a lecture when it was their daddy’s turn! I look forward to seeing how
your many dreams unfold: all the activities culminating in this volume were
once just a wild dream as well.

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