Science, Religion, and the Human Experience

(Jacob Rumans) #1

x contents

  1. The Complementarity of Science and Religion, 143
    Harold H. Oliver


  1. Darwin, Design, and the Unification of Nature, 165
    John Hedley Brooke

  2. Darwinism and Christianity: Must They Remain at War or Is Peace
    Possible?, 185
    Michael Ruse

  3. Experiencing Evolution: Varieties of Psychological Responses to the
    Claims of Science and Religion, 205
    Ronald L. Numbers


  1. Gods and the Mental Instincts That Create Them, 237
    Pascal Boyer

  2. Empathy and Human Experience, 261
    Evan Thompson

  3. Uneasy Alliances: The Faith Factor in Medicine; the Health Factor in
    Religion, 287
    Anne Harrington

  4. The Intersubjective Worlds of Science and Religion, 309
    B. Alan Wallace
    Index, 329

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