Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
Christianity had a Jewish background, we have a clear under-
standing of the relationship that emerging Christianity had to
contemporary Judaism. In what follows, I want to look at a few
aspects of this question, showing that the nature of the relation-
ship is often quite murky. I will begin by looking at how some
aspects of Jesus’ career, at least in terms of how it is represented
in the canonical gospels, might be seen to share characteristics
with the Judaism of his time. Then I will consider how there is
a danger of reading Christian assumptions into evidence for
Judaism at the time of Jesus, and how this can give rise to prob-
lems in efforts to understand the relationship between Christianity
and Judaism. In particular, we will see that there is a problem
with seeing Judaism as some sort of fixed religious system from
which Christianity departed.

Bandits and messiahs: seeking a context for the
historical figure of Jesus

For early Christian writers like Eusebius, for whom Jesus’ status
as Messiah was self-evident, the fact that Jews rejected him
seemed like an act of criminal madness. This begs an important
question, however: to what extent might Jesus’ activities have
matched contemporary Jewish expectations of what the Messiah
should be? In certain of the gospel narratives, there is a clear
implication that Jesus was indeed rejected by some Jews at least.
Such accounts of rejection reach a crescendo with the circum-
stances surrounding Jesus’ trial and death. When the Roman
governor Pontius Pilate offered the Jews in Jerusalem the oppor-
tunity to secure the release of a prisoner, they chose Barabbas,
apparently in preference to Jesus (a least, that is how the story is
often represented). In the exchanges between Pilate and the
crowds in Jerusalem that follow, repeated demands were made
that Jesus should be crucified.
The circumstances of Jesus’ condemnation and death are
instructive, particularly in terms of establishing a historical con-
text for his career. From the gospel accounts it seems clear that



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