Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
efficiently. I have been saved from many errors and infelicities by
the perceptive copy-editing of Frances Brown.
Others too have made their contributions to whatever virtues
the book possesses. Much of the initial thinking that underpins
this book was done while I was a doctoral student in St Andrews
between 1993 and 1996. I should like to reiterate my gratitude
to the many who were thanked in the published version of my
doctorate (Humphries 1999), especially Gillian Clark and Mary
Whitby, who have done much to shape my attitudes to early
Christianity and late antiquity. Although the initial thoughts for
the book were generated elsewhere, it was written entirely at the
National University of Ireland, Maynooth. One could wish for
no better colleagues than David Scourfield, Kieran McGroarty,
Gordon Campbell, Michael Clarke, and Maeve O’Brien: they
have provided an ideal environment in which to think and work,
by turns supporting me and refusing to let me take myself too
seriously. Like them, I have found that my research and teaching
would be an immeasurably more taxing business (if not down-
right impossible) were it not for the excellent organizational skills
of Breege Lynch. Teaching and research are inextricably linked
activities, so I am happy to thank those Maynooth students who
have endured my courses touching on the Roman empire, early
Christianity, and late antiquity for listening to my ideas, criticizing
them, and, above all, insisting that my exposition should be
clearer. Meanwhile, many friends in Ireland, Britain, and beyond
have provided all manner of support, both academic and personal.
In particular, Ann Marie Mealey sustained me in so many ways
during completion of the book. As always, my family has been
the touchstone of humanity against which I can judge the worth
of my endeavours. I continue to be grateful to them for their love,
support, and interest in what I do. My first book was dedicated
to my parents; it is only right, therefore, that the second should
be offered to my brother and his family. Needless to say, none of
those mentioned above should be blamed for the eccentricities
or shortcomings of what I have written.



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