Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
cities: administrative functions of
191–2; base for Christian mission
117–18; Christianization of 89;
persecutions in 192–3; rivalry
between 221
Claudius, emp. 87, 102, 127–32,
Clement of Alexandria 115, 177–8
Clement of Rome: epistles ascribed
to 77, 81, 119, 153–4, 165
clergy 110–11, 115, 149–56; male
domination of 151–2
clothing 197
cognitiotrials 214–15
Commodus, emp. 191
communism 23
Constantine, emp. 9–12, 34, 124,
143, 145, 152, 155; conversion
122, 189, 207–8; Donation
ascribed to 47, 51–2
Constantinople 48, 49–50, 51, 182;
council of 144, 182
conversion: to Christianity 120–5,
136; supposed inevitability of 98,
125; to Judaism 210; to paganism
converts: numbers of 111–12, 206–7
Conzelmann, H. 132–3
Coptic 168–9, 178–9
Corinth 119, 126–7
councils of bishops 110, 113, 154;
ecumenical 143; see also
Constantinople, council of;
Nicaea, council of; Serdica,
council of
creed 143–4
criminality: Christians charged with
crucifixion 90, 100–1

Cyprian, bp of Carthage 52, 77–8,
110, 113, 147–9, 154–5, 189, 194
Cyprus 132–3, 135–6

Da Vinci Code, The(novel) 170
Damasus, bp of Rome 43
deacons 151, 217
Dead Sea Scrolls seeQumran
Decius, emp. 93, 190, 193, 194–5
Deissmann, A. 140
Delphi 127
Demetrius, bp of Alexandria 114
Didache 78
Dio Chrysostom of Prusa 221
Diocletian, emp. 189–90, 191,
193–4, 198–9, 205, 207
Diognetus, Epistle to80, 197
Dionysius, bp of Alexandria 194
Dionysius Exiguus 4–5
docetism 161–2
doctrine 143, 152–3, 158; see also
heresy; orthodoxy
Domitian, emp. 190, 191, 192, 219
Donahis, Donatists 207–8
Duchesne, L. 60
Dura Europos 61–2, 89, 91, 93, 109,
152, 205–6

earthquakes 196; see alsonatural
Easter: contested date of 4, 146,
156, 157–8
Egypt 114; see alsopapyri
ekkle ̄sia150–1
emperor worship 137
Ephesus 219; centre of Pauline
mission 117–18, 126, 137–40;
Seven Sleepers 88–9
Epiphanius, bp of Salamis 80, 160



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