Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
homoousios 162
Hopkins, K. 22, 111–12

Ignatius, bp of Antioch 77, 107,
153–4, 161–2, 219
informers 216–17
inscriptions 90, 92, 124, 125–41,
210, 220, 233
Ireland 18, 22–3
Irenaeus of Lyons 78, 79, 80,
109–10, 148–9, 160–1, 165,
170–2, 176–7
Islam 29, 210

Jehovah’s Witnesses 19–20, 27
Jerome 43, 47, 209
Jerusalem 40–1, 155; temple
destroyed 73, 108
Jesus: career of 101–2, 186–7; death
100–1, 161; divinity of 161–2; as
‘king of the Jews’ 101; as
Messiah 73, 104, 157, 197; as
saviour 136–7, 159; as lord 140;
tomb of 40–1; traditions about
157; trial 216; see also
crucifixion; homoousios;
parousia; salvation
Jewish literature 82–6
Jews: Roman attitudes to 197–8;
target of Christian mission
John Chrysostom, bp of Antioch
John, evangelist 219
Josephus 85–6, 101
Judaism 37–8, 39, 74; Christian
hostility to 99, 104, 110, 141,
162; development of in early
Christian centuries 105–8;

diversity 105; Diaspora 105, 107,
116, 123; influence on early
Christianity 151; interaction with
early Christianity 98–100, 104–8;
see alsoEusebius, bp of
Caesarea; Jews; ‘parting of the
ways’; Passover
Julian, emp. 10, 125, 198, 208
Julius Caesar, C. 138–9
Jung, C. G. 168, 176
Justin Martyr 79, 106, 121–2, 164

Kataphrygians 163
King, K. 175–8
Klauck, H.-J. 135–6
kurios 140

Lactantius 189, 224
Lane Fox, R. 17–18, 113–14
language: indicator of culture 16,
79, 146–7; see alsoCoptic
late antiquity 62–3
letters: New Testament 137, 166; of
John 69; of Peter 192, 202–3; see
alsoPaul, letters
lions: Christians thrown to 97, 187,
195;see alsotigers
liturgy 156–8, 165–6
Livy 199–200
Lucian of Samosata 87
Luther, M. 49, 52
Lyons 114–5, 119, 192; see also
Gaul; Irenaeus of Lyons; Vienne

MacMullen, R. 112
madness 201–2
Magdeburg Centuries52–3
Mamre, oak of: festival at 124
Mandaeans 176



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