Early Christianity

(Barry) #1
orthodoxy 143, 158–65; see also
doctrine; heresy

Pachomius, Egyptian monk 179–80
paganism 16, 31–2, 43–4, 79, 118,
194–6, 197–200; see also
emperor worship; persecution;
Theos Hypsistos
pagans: target of Christian mission
Pagels, E. 21, 142, 179, 184
Palestine 155; see alsoCaesarea;
Pamphylia 133
papyrus 62, 92–3, 194–5, 210, 233;
see alsocartonnage; Egypt; Nag
parousia162, 203
‘parting of the ways’: between
Judaism and Christianity 105–6,
Passion of the Christ, The(film) 26,
Passover 157
Paul, apostle: Jewishness: 99;
conversion 121, 132; letters
69–70, 71, 134, 136–7, 142–3,
151–3, 154, 159, 177; missionary
journeys 16, 90, 115–18, 123,
125–41, 154; name 132–3; trial
Paul of Samosata, bp of Antioch
Paul(l)us, Sergius, Roman governor
of Cyprus 132–6; see also
Antioch in Pisidia
pax deorum 195
Perge 133
periodization 9–10

Perpetua, martyr 201
persecution: by pagan emperors
10–11, 149, 187, 188–96,
210–11; continued after
Constantine 11, 207–8
Philip the Arab, emp. 190, 204
Philippi 116, 137, 140
Philippines 29
Philo 86, 139
philosophy, Greek: influence on
Christianity 79–80, 122, 159, 164
Philostorgius, historian 41
Phoebe, associate of Paul 151
Phrygia 163, 182, 193
Pilate, Pontius 90, 100–1, 187
Pliny the Younger 113; governor of
Bithynia and Pontus 211, 220–3;
letter on the Christians 211–13,
214–17;see alsoTrajan
Plotinus 177
pluralism: religious 122–4
polytheism 32
Pontus 118, 211–24; see alsoPliny
the Younger
Porphyry 87–8, 177, 205
Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius 209
prophecy 73, 146, 162–3
Protestantism 23, 49, 52, 55, 56–7,
pseudepigrapha 84–5
Puteoli 118

Q (Quelle): source for gospels 72,
184, 238
Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria
66, 186
Qumran: Jewish texts from 82–4,
103, 167, 170
Quo Vadis(film) 188



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