TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-47
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 47 (Answer Keys)
    Letter of Complaint (2)

A1 I had the washing machine fitted by a reputable plumber but he was unable to make the thing work.
answer: (c) reputable
A2 Apparently one of the components was faulty and he recommended that I got back to you so that a
replacement could be fitted.
answer: (d) Apparently
A3 When I telephoned your store and explained the situation to your receptionist,
answer: (b) situation
A4 I was greeted with the comment, 'Oh not you again'
answer: (d) greeted
A5 which I found most offensive especially since throughout the protracted period of waiting for the machine
answer: (c) offensive
A6 I remained calm although I believe I have every reason for kicking up a fuss.
answer: (b) kicking
A7 I eventually got put through to the technical department
answer: (a) through
A8 who were most off hand
answer: (d) off
A9 and told me there was little that could be done immediately
answer: (b) little
A10 since there were a number of people off sick.
answer: (c) off

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