TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-36
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 36
    How to disagree

Q1 I'm sorry but I can't ....... your opinion on that.
(a) take (b) share (c) give (d) find
Q2 I very much regret that we must ....... company on that issue.
(a) divide (b) devise (c) part (d) leave
Q3 Let's be honest about it we'll never agree on that because our views are diametrically ........
(a) apposed (b) imposed (c) supposed (d) opposed
Q4 We'll never agree, that's clear so let's ....... to differ.
(a) ask (b) bid (c) beg (d) try
Q5 You can argue with me till the cows come ....... but I can't accept that.
(a) away (b) along (c) back (d) home
Q6 I really see no point in continuing this argument because we have no ....... ground.
(a) basic (b) own (c) common (d) similar
Q7 There's absolutely no way I can ....... you on that matter.
(a) meet (b) hold (c) take (d) find
Q8 Nothing in the world will ever make me change my ....... on that subject.
(a) thought (b) mind (c) idea (d) heart
Q9 I would love to meet you half way but I'm afraid I can't because with me it's a matter of ........
(a) principal (b) principles (c) principally (d) principle
Q10 Let's ....... it, you and I will never see eye to eye on this.
(a) look (b) take (c) face (d) see

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