TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-37
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 37
    How to encourage

Q1 Well .......! This is a very good piece of work.
(a) made (b) done (c) finished (d) taken
Q2 I must congratulate you on your efforts. ....... it up!
(a) Continue (b) Take (c) Keep (d) Hold
Q3 Don't give up whatever you do. I'm sure you'll ....... it in the end.
(a) acquire (b) get (c) put (d) make
Q4 I'll ....... by you no matter what happens.
(a) stand (b) keep (c) lean (d) support
Q5 I'm sure if you ......., you'll succeed.
(a) pursue (b) proceed (c) propel (d) persevere
Q6 You've clearly got ....... and it's obvious that you'll get to the top.
(a) control (b) power (c) talent (d) strength
Q7 I've watched a lot of young people try to make a success of it, but you're the only one I really ....... in.
(a) think (b) trust (c) hold (d) believe
Q8 I see no ....... why you shouldn't be accepted as an employee.
(a) cause (b) sense (c) reason (d) doubt
Q9 Never ....... up. That's a good philosophy.
(a) give (b) do (c) take (d) try
Q10 You mustn't ever be ....... off by a few setbacks.
(a) taken (b) held (c) put (d) pushed

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