TOEIC Preparation Tests

(Michael S) #1

  1. advanced-67
    TOEIC tests / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 67
    Ways of greeting

Q1 Great to see you again. I haven't seen you ....... ages.
(a) by (b) from (c) of (d) for
Q2 Welcome to our house. Come in and make yourself ........
(a) comfortable (b) easy (c) relaxing (d) comforting
Q3 How do you do? I don't think we've met ........
(a) after (b) since (c) then (d) before
Q4 Hi Mary. Where have you been ....... yourself all this time?
(a) discovering (b) hiding (c) finding (d) looking
Q5 Good morning, sir. I hope you will have an enjoyable ....... in our hotel.
(a) stay (b) halt (c) stop (d) sojourn
Q6 Good evening to you all. Let me find you a ....... near the window.
(a) corner (b) angle (c) table (d) part
Q7 How are you, David.? I must ....... you're looking very well.
(a) declare (b) recite (c) state (d) admit
Q8 Hello there. I just don't believe it. You haven't changed a ....... since we last met.
(a) bit (b) piece (c) little (d) section
Q9 Ah, you must be Mary's husband. Do come in and ....... everyone.
(a) see (b) look (c) find (d) meet
Q10 Here you are at last! I hope your ....... here wasn't too horrible.
(a) travel (b) journey (c) trip (d) voyage

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