Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

Nikolai Stankevich (1813–40) and mentored by Vissarion Belinsky. Be-

linsky read Kol’tsov’s poems and made suggestions for revising them

before they were submitted to journals, helped publish and favorably

reviewed Kol’tsov’s first book of poetry, and wrote a long introduction

to the second, posthumous edition. According to one Soviet critic, Be-

linsky, as a Westernizer, saw in Kol’tsov’s work a way to refute the

Slavophiles’ idealization of traditional Russian family life. Other radi-

cal critics such as Dobroliubov and Saltykov-Shchedrin followed Belin-

sky’s lead in praising Kol’tsov, as did Soviet literary critics. Kol’tsov’s

works were reprinted in numerous Soviet scholarly and popular edi-

tions—no fewer than thirty-two between 1921 and 1989.^12

Mil’keev, the second poet, was discovered when he brought some of

his poems to Zhukovsky, who was visiting Tobol’sk in western Siberia.

Zhukovsky was so impressed by the poems that he took Mil’keev back

to Saint Petersburg. In Moscow a few months later Mil’keev gained the

sponsorship of writers identified with Slavophilism and the journal

Moskvitianin: Stepan Shevyrev (1806–64), who wrote literary criticism

forMoskvitianin,A. S. Khomiakov, Karolina Pavlova, and her husband,

Nikolai Pavlov. But while Belinsky warmly praised Kol’tsov’s poetry in

reviews, he harshly criticized Mil’keev’s. Belinsky may have been af-

fected by his ideological differences with Mil’keev’s Slavophile sponsors

as well as by his dislike of the poetry of Vladimir Benediktov (1807–73),

a strong influence on Mil’keev.^13 No doubt, Belinsky’s canonical position

in Soviet literary scholarship affected Mil’keev’s reputation. During the

Soviet period only a few of Mil’keev’s poems appeared in anthologies,

while criticism about him was confined almost entirely to local Siberian

publications. It might be concluded that Kol’tsov simply wrote better po-

etry than Mil’keev, but such is not necessarily the case. The prerevolu-

tionary scholar Mark Azadovsky points out that Vasilii Zhukovsky,

Karolina Pavlova, and Petr Pletnev (1702–1865, Saint Petersburg Uni-

versity professor and critic) all thought highly of Mil’keev’s poetry and

that surely their judgment must be given as much credence as Belin-

sky’s.^14 More work on Mil’keev—as well as on the other noncanonical

men and on the influence of literary politics on reputation—needs to be


What, if any, conclusions about canonicity may we draw from this

study? I suggest that just as a national history can be seen as a story told

about a people, so a literary canon may be seen as a story told about a

literature—a story that keeps changing. However, until now, all stories

about the Golden Age of Russian literature and Russian Romanticism

In Conclusion: Noncanonical Men Poets 173

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