Reinventing Romantic Poetry : Russian Women Poets of the Mid-nineteenth Century

(Wang) #1

Ritchie, “The Anacreontic Poets: Gleim, Uz, and Gotz,” inGerman Men of Letters,
ed. Alex Natan and Brian Keith-Smith (London: Oswald Wolff, 1972 ), 6 : 123–45,
and Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, The Poetics of Imitation: Anacreon and the Anacreon-
tic Tradition(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 ).
On the importance of the cult of male friendship, Bacchic, and anacreontic
poetry for the poets of Pushkin’s generation, see Verkhovskii, Poety pushkinskoi
pory, 32 , 56. Pushkin wrote a tribute to Anacreon, “Kobylitsa molodaia” ( 1828 ),
originally titled “Podrazhanie Anakreonu” (A. S. Pushkin, Sobranie sochinenii
[Moskva: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1974 ], 2 : 571 ), which will be discussed
in chapter 2.
See also K. V. Grossgeinrik [Grossheinrich], “Elisaveta Kul’man i ee
stikhotvoreniia,” trans. from the German by M. and E. Burnashevy in Biblioteka
dlia chteniia, 5 (May 1849 ): 5 ; Elisaveta Kul’man, “K Anakreonu,” in Piiticheskie
opyty: v trekh chastiakh,6–8.
32 .On Kul’man’s challenge to classical androcentric traditions, see my
“Nineteenth-Century Russian Women Writers,” 98–99. Frank Göpfert argues
for Kul’man’s place in German literary history in “Zwei russische Dichterinnen
und ihre Beziehungen zum deutschen Kulturkreis: Elisaveta Kul’man und Sarra
Tolstaja,” Die Welt der Slaven 38 , no. 2 (n.s. 17 , no. 2 ) ( 1993 ): 227–34.
33 .On male literary circles and al’manahki(annual literary collections), see
Todd, Fiction and Society in the Age of Pushkin,64–65, and Vatsuro, “Zhizn’ i
poeziia Nadezhdy Teplovoi,” 19–21. The impossibility of a woman publishing
an annual literary collection at this time is reflected in Vatsuro’s bemused de-
scription of Teplova’s desire to do so: “[A]nd with winning simplemindedness
[s podkupaiushchim prostodushiem] [Teplova] requested from Maksimovich the
addresses of her suggested contributors: Pushkin, Somov, Baratynskii, Khomi-
akov, Pogodin” ( 30 ).
Of the canonical men poets, Pushkin edited Sovremennik,Del’vig edited Sev-
ernye tsvety,Baratynskii was connected with both Moskovskii vestnikand the short-
lived Evropeets (The European). Of the noncanonical men poets, Miller founded
his own journal, Razvlechenie (Amusement), Guber served as literary critic for
Biblioteka dlia chteniia,and Maikov was on the editorial board of Moskvitianin.
34 .On Zhukovskii and Karamzin, see Semenko, Vasily Zhukovsky,17–20. See
also A. S. Pushkin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh (Leningrad: Nauka,
1977 ), 3 : 473.
Tiutchev: Valerii Briusov, “F. I. Tiutchev: Kritiko-biogaricheskii ocherk,” in
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii F. I. Tiutcheva,ed. P. B. Bykova (Sankt-Peterburg: A. F.
Marks, 1913 ), 13.
Lermontov: Tukalevskii, Introduction to Polnoe sobranie sochinenii,xx; Gar-
rard, Mikhail Lermontov, 23.
Baratynskii: M. L. Gofman, “E. A. Boratynskii (Biograficheskii ocherk),” in
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii E. A. Boratynskogo(Sankt-Peterburg: Izd. Razriada
iziashchnoi slovesnosti Imp. Akademii nauk: 1914 ), xlv.
Khomiakov: Khomiakov, Stikhotvoreniia i dramy,563–64.
Del’vig: B.V. Tomashevskii, “A. A. Del’vig,” in Del’vig, Polnoe sobranie
stikhotvorenii, 5 ; Gofman, “E. A. Boratynskii (Biograficheskii ocherk),” xlviii.

232 Notes to Pages 33–35

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