Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

sovereignty, His actions. It is a subtle form of idolatry to
allow the conduct of God to supplant and supersede the
character of God; the performance of God to be the basis of
the Person of God. So much of Western theology has done
just that, basing their theology on the purpose and activity
of God rather than on the character of God. It is because
"God is good" that "God does good." He brings forth His
expression out of His good character. It can even be said
that He does what He does ek theos, out of His own
character. He thus activates His own character to be
manifested in human behavior. He does what He does,
because He is who He is! All good done is done by God,
who is good.
When any genuine "goodness" is expressed in the
behavior of man, it is the activity of God expressing His
character of goodness by His grace. Morality, on the other
hand, is based on the thesis of man's self-generated activity
conforming to some independent "standard of goodness,"
which may be identified in some way with God's activity or
with social benefit.
When an allegedly independent, autonomous, self-
existent ideal of "good" behavioral activity is substituted
for God, who alone is independent, autonomous, self-

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