Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

existent "Good," then the ideal has become an idol. The
establishment of a standard of good behavioral activities
apart from who God is in His character and what God does
by His grace, is the establishment of a false substitute for
God, i.e. an idol. Any determinative "standard of good"
apart from, objective to, or outside of the inherent Being
and character of God and the grace activity of God, is
necessarily idolatrous!
The humanistic premise of an allegedly independent-
self, autonomous man, constructing an allegedly
independent, autonomous "standard of good," and then
conforming to such by his allegedly independent,
autonomous, self-generated, self-activated behavioral
activity; that is the foundation on which morality is built. It
could not be more antithetical or opposite to Christianity!
Human behavioral activities are not good or evil in
themselves (such would be to posit the first premise of
moralism) and are not generated by ourselves (such would
posit the third premise of moralism). An activity is not
inherently good, for only God is inherently good. Human
activity is merely "expression." It is not creative generation
out of man. We are not gods! We are derivative creatures.
Man is not a self-generating actuator of his own activities

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