Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

nor of the character of either good or evil expressed within
those activities.
The words "act," "action," and "activity" in the English
language are etymologically derived from the Latin words
actus, "doing," and actum, "thing done." Human activity is
always enacted by an actuator. A spiritual personage is the
agent of activation, causing and moving a particular
character to be activated and expressed in our behavior.
Our behavior and the character expressed therein is always
enacted (in-acted), caused to be activated within. It is not
self-generated, auto-creative, activated by the self-effort of
human effort. There is always a derivative contingency to
human behavior. All that we do is contingent on the
spiritual action of a spiritual being allowed by our decision-
making to act out in our behavior. The spiritual being who
empowers, enables, energizes and enacts our behavioral
expression always conveys his particular character in the
activity; character of either good or evil, out of either God
or Satan. The character that is being expressed in any
human activity must be traced back to its spiritually
empowering actuator. Human behavior always expresses
the character of the energizing spirit who is the actuator of
that expression being enacted in human behavior. For

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