Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

self-generatively evil. Man is not a devil. A man is evil
only relative to his deriving the expression of the character
of the Evil One in his spiritual condition and behavioral
The point being made is that there is a derivative
determination of good and evil from the nature and
character of God and Satan, respectively. There is no
autonomous good or evil (first premise of moralism). There
is no self-determined awareness of good or evil (second
premise of moralism). There is no humanly generated good
or evil (third premise of moralism).
The historical origins of this derivative character
expression in man must be traced back to the Biblical
account in Genesis two and three. It is there that we
discover the first fallacious attempts of man to determine
good and evil autonomously, apart from their
consubstantiality in God or Satan.
The "tree of life" represented the choice of man to
recognize that goodness exists in God alone (first theistic
premise), that good was knowable only by listening to
God's revelation (second theistic premise), and that by
volitional receptivity to God's indwelling provision of His
Life there was divine sufficiency to manifest the character

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