Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

(Isaiah 64:6). All our moral actions by which we try to be
good or righteous, when presented before God are as
offensive as presenting Him with a menstrual cloth, a "dirty
Kotex!" (This is the literal meaning of the Hebrew words.)
Lest you be offended at such graphic analogy, just be aware
that God is even more offended at our periodic discharges
of morality – presentations which are the discharge of death
with no life.
The picture is no prettier when Paul describes his
religious and moral efforts as but "rubbish" or "dung"
(KJV) in Philippians 3:8. One preacher put Paul’s
statement in contemporary vernacular by declaring that
“self-righteous morality is nothing but a pile of shit.”
Morality is offensive to God.
(8) Morality is "another gospel." When Paul wrote to
the Galatians warning them of the religionists who were
trying to add moralistic requirements to the simple gospel
of grace in Jesus Christ, he indicated that they were
bringing "another gospel" which was "no gospel" at all
since it was devoid of any "good news." History is replete
with moral supplements becoming part and parcel of so-
called "Christian religion." Whenever morality is

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