Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

"obedience of faith" (Rom. 1:5) that listens under God's
Spirit and is obedient to Life.
(11) Morality is deadly. There is certainly no vibrancy
and vitality of divine life in the legalism of morality. Paul
writes in II Cor. 3:6, "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives
life." The "letter of the law" on which morality rests is
deadly! It kills all expression of God's life in man, as man
works himself to death!
(12) Morality is devastating and destructive. Incapable
of ever measuring up to the moral requirements, man is
increasingly frustrated, unhappy and grieved. James S.
Stewart, the Scottish preacher, writes,

"The evangel of an ethical example is a devastating thing. It makes
religion the most grievous of burdens. Perhaps this is the reason
why, even among professing Christians, there are so many strained
faces and weary hearts and captive, unreleased spirits." 7

In addition, we might add that the morality that is inherent
in religion is a most maddening experience; it drives a
person "mad."
(13) Morality is bondage. Morality binds a person up,
making them slaves to law, convention and social approval.
To the Galatians Paul explained, "It was for freedom that
Christ set us free; not be subject again to a yoke of
slavery" (Gal. 5:1). Morality destroys the freedom to be and

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