Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

the deceptive and diabolic tactic of the deceiver. The devil,
the "father of lies" (John 8:44) and all falsehood, has
substituted a fallacious system of behavioral guidelines as
the basis of "goodness." The "god of this world" (II Cor.
4:4) has blinded the minds of men to keep them from
seeing that anything not derived from God is evil and
sinful. In the name of "religion," morality calls the selfishly
motivated efforts of man "good" and "righteous," when
they are but evil derived from the Evil One.
(19) Morality is a religious inevitability. Wherever you
find religion you will find morality? They are always
"coupled" together. Why? Because religion is a man-made,
Satan-inspired, social organization that requires morality
standards to give it external form, to give it raison d'etre, to
cement loyalty and conformity, and to keep the guilt
payments coming in. As people perceive their inability to
please and appease God by their inadequate moral
behavior, they seek to buy off their sin in "indulgences."
(20) Morality is a worldly necessity. In the society of
the "world," that is of fallen mankind, morality is
necessitated to keep the chaos of selfishness and sinfulness
"in check," if even temporarily. Again Jacques Ellul writes
that morality

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