Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1
"is part of the condition of the fall. Now endowed with the power
to define good and evil, to elaborate it, to know it and to pretend to
obey it, man can no longer renounce this power that he has
purchased so dearly. He cannot live without morality." 11

The worldliness of human society, fallen man in this
fallen world, necessitates morality. Morality is of the order
of worldliness!
(21) Morality is relative. Human, social, worldly and
religious morality is never properly related to the
absoluteness of God's character of goodness, and to the
absolutely only expression of God's goodness by derivation
from God by God's grace. Morality is relative to the intents
and desires of the prevailing authorities in the particular
society over which they have manipulative control (ex.
governmental, ecclesiastical, etc.) Morality is relative to the
majority of the individuals in that society willing to accept
the moral standards, either under threat of punishment or by
democratic consensus of what is "good" and/or "evil" with
an individual accountability to the so-called "good" of the
whole. Morality is relative to the limitations of fallen man
in keeping such moral conditions, due to the patterned
selfishness and sinfulness of the "flesh."
(22) Morality is antithetical to Christianity. Morality
always attempts to establish "goodness" apart from its

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