Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

is not just another religion demanding conformity to a
particular "belief-system" or data-base of doctrine.
The essence of Christianity is Jesus Christ. All of
Christianity is inherent in Jesus, His Person and His
continuing activity. Christianity functions only by the
dynamic of the risen and living Lord Jesus. Christianity is
the function of the Spirit of Christ as He continues to live in
It is a sad state of affairs in what is passed off as
"Christian religion" today. There is almost total failure to
discern that the essence of Christianity is Jesus Christ
Himself. The essence of Christianity is not a standardized
belief-system. The essence of Christianity is not a
consensus of doctrine. The essence of Christianity is not
commonality of creeds. Jesus Christ is the essence of
Where did "Christian religion" go off track into
thinking that consenting to, confessing and conforming to
doctrinal data was what Christianity was all about? When
did this "Christian religion" develop the idea that
Christianity is the acceptance of a correct and orthodox

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