Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

system in accord with God's thinking. There were
Lutherans, Calvinists, Anabaptists and many others, all
claiming to have the orthodox belief-system; all claiming to
have figured-out what God, the "Great Theologue,"
believes and supposedly demands that all His adherents
likewise believe.
Obviously there was not any recovery of the dynamic
understanding of Christianity in the Protestant
Reformation. Gene Edwards concludes, "The Reformation
was neither revival nor restoration. The Reformation was
an intellectual brawl." 3
In the next century, in 1611 A.D., King James of
England authorized what became known as the Authorized
Version, better known as the King James Version, of an
English translation of the Bible. The "Christian religion" of
that day was still engaged in competing belief-systems.
King James hired translators to translate the Bible into
English. The word for "teaching" in the English language
of King James' time was "doctrine." The King James
Version refers to the word "doctrine" 56 different times.
But languages evolve, and the meanings of words change.
So it is with the word "doctrine." Looking at a
contemporary English dictionary you will discover that

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