Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

interpreted and accepted by a particular group of people."
"Indoctrinate" implies "to propagandize or brainwash
others with this traditional belief-system as interpreted and
accepted by a particular group of people."
Such a definition was most certainly not what the
hearers intended when they listened to Jesus and "were
astonished at His doctrine" (Luke 4:32 - KJV). They were
not "astonished at His traditional belief-system," rather they
were "amazed at His teaching" (NASB). The teaching of
Jesus was the extending, the offering, the demonstration of
Himself – His Life. His teaching was Life-teaching. The
etymological root for the Greek word "teaching" had to do
with "extending the hand" or "offering oneself." To
demonstrate what is being taught; that is the way to teach
The fundamentalism and evangelicalism that
predominate in popular "Christian religion" in America
today tend to key in on "doctrine" as belief-system. That
may be the reason they often prefer to retain the King
James Version, and interpret the use of the word "doctrine"
throughout the New Testament as their particular brand of
formulated and fixated belief-system. These religious
doctrinarians continue to indoctrinate others and perpetuate

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