Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

the factious and fractious denominationalism of differing
belief-systems. Americans, with their fierce individualism
and concepts of personal freedom, have elevated
denominationalism to an all-time high, a real "religious
science", with thousands of religious denominations,
divided by disputed doctrinal belief-systems. Those
involved in "Christian religion" today still think that
Christianity is essentially consent to a particular doctrinal
This is, in fact, the definition of "fundamentalism," a
grouping of people who has rigidly determined the
"fundamentals" of their acceptable doctrinal belief-system.
"Fundamentalism" is a word much used today. The
newspapers and news reports are full of references to
"Muslim fundamentalists" in Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt,
etc.; "Hindu fundamentalists" in Sri Lanka; "Christian
fundamentalists" barging at and bombing abortion clinics in
the United States. Have you ever noticed that
fundamentalists always fight? Why is that? They feel they
have an obligation to defend the particular way they have
stacked all of their doctrinal blocks in their belief-system.
The fundamentalist – "Christian religion" in general –
has allowed doctrine, their belief-system, to become the

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