Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

supreme issue. "Doctrine" becomes their basis of
fellowship, acceptance, security, bonding, etc. It is a tragic
misrepresentation of the Church when the basis of our
commonality is calculated by doctrinal agreement, rather
than the indwelling Lord Jesus Christ; when uniformity of
doctrine is the primary issue instead of unity in Christ. How
sad when much of what is called "Christian preaching" is
but tirades against so-called "heretics" who do not stack the
doctrinal fundamentals of their belief-system just like we
Doctrine has been deified in "Christian religion" today.
Doctrine has become their "god." It is a gross form of
idolatry when one's properly-aligned stack of doctrinal
ideas is elevated and revered to the extent that it must be
defended at all costs, even to the point of terrorism, even to
the point of dying for it.
God alone is absolute and immutable. His attributes are
exclusive to Himself. What God is, only God is. To
attribute God's attributes to our doctrine and determine that
our doctrine is absolute and unchangeable is to deify
doctrine, and to engage in the absolutism that is indicative
of fundamentalistic religion around the world.

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