Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

The Scottish preacher and teacher, James S. Stewart,
wrote these words: "Those who have succeeded in defining
doctrine most closely, have lost Christ most completely." 4
Doctrines, belief-systems, will always be the focus of
religion, but not of Christianity. Christianity is Christ!
Jesus' teaching was about Himself. He is the essence of
Christian teaching, contrary to what Buddha said about his
In Christianity, TRUTH is a Person, Jesus Christ.
"Truth" is not just propositional truth statements within a
belief-system of doctrinal theology by which orthodoxy is
rationalistically determined. Jesus Christ is Truth! Jesus
Christ is our Life! He is so exclusively; there is no other
Way! John 14: 6 - "I AM the way, the truth and the life."
Christianity is not a belief-system. Christianity is

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