Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

into themselves (John 1:12) and allow Jesus Christ to be
their life (Col. 3:4).
The essence of Christianity is to be identified as
ontological rather than epistemological. "Ontology" is
etymologically derived from two Greek words: (1) ontos
meaning "being." (2) logos meaning "word," and indicating
"logical consideration of or study of." "Ontology" refers to
the philosophical study of being. In its broadest usage
"ontology" considers the entire issue of being and existence
in general. More specifically, we are employing "ontology"
as referring to the divine Being of the Creator God, and His
personal relation to His created beings; the relation of the
God-Being and human beings. The personal Being of God,
the I AM (Exod. 3:14), and His relationship with human
beings must be considered ontologically rather than merely
epistemologically. The knowledge being considered is not
just the knowledge of impersonal factual data and
information, but the personal knowing of personal beings in
personal relationship.
The purpose of this study, then, is to emphasize the
ontological considerations that must be foremost in
Christian reasoning. This is never to deny though that there
is an epistemologically based understanding that is

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