Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

of the gospel, then it would be legitimate to refer to "the
gospel according to Jesus," as does John MacArthur. 14 In so
doing, though, the gospel is separated from Jesus Christ
and the "separated concept" of epistemology is evident.
The gospel is thus detached from the active Being of God
and devalued to but one belief-system among many, albeit
the divinely revealed teaching rather than human wisdom.
The "good news" of the gospel is Jesus Christ! The
gospel is not logical propositions, but the living Person of
God in Christ. It is "good news" indeed that God has made
available in His Son the restoration of the vital dynamic of
His divine Being, that by the indwelling presence and
activity of the risen and living Lord Jesus. Only in such an
ontological connection is the divine intent of the gospel
preserved. Gerhardt Friedrich explains that "the gospel and
its content are one;" 15 "the risen Lord is the auctor
evangelii," 16 the origination and enactment of the gospel.


The gospel is the dynamic power of God unto salvation
(Rom. 1:16). Since the gospel is Jesus, and Christ is the
power of God (I Cor. 1:24), the saving activity of God must
not be disassociated from the function of the Savior.

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