Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

ecclesiastical "dispensing of grace." All of these are
attempts to quantify grace, disassociating grace from God.
Grace is indivisible from God Himself. Grace is the
self-giving of God in His Son, Jesus Christ. "Grace is
realized through Jesus Christ" (John 1:17), and there is no
grace apart from Christ. God does not act en dissecio or en
partio. He does not act apart from who He is, apart from
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
This divine expression of the Oneness of His triune
Being can be applied to all other Christian themes also.
Righteousness (justification) cannot be disjoined from
Jesus Christ, the Righteous One (I John 2:1). Godliness
cannot be isolated from the dynamic expression of God's
character. Sanctification cannot be separated from the Holy
One, active by His Holy Spirit.
The gospel of salvation by God's grace is ontologically
established in the Being of God expressed in His acts. The
epistemological heresy that statically separates Christianity
from Christ, and salvation from the Savior, must be
Christians must cease to offer a "false bill of goods," an
epistemological package of propositional truths and alleged
spiritual benefits detached from the dynamic of God's grace

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