Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

orchestrated and choreographed by the Producer/Director
named “Fate.” “The Show must go on!”
In this humanistic drama of human existence all the
players develop a “false persona.” It’s a ruse. It’s a fake.
It’s all fiction. W. Somerset Maughn, in his work, The
Summing Up, writes, “The drama is make-believe. It does
not deal with truth, but with effect.” 2 What he seems to be
saying is that the drama is not reality or truth. The projected
symbol and its effect on the audience is all that matters.
Talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, has pointed out that
there is an abundance of unreality on the political stage in
our society today. He has pointed out the hypocrisy of
“symbol over substance,” and playing for the effect that
something has upon others. All that seems to matter is the
existential perception of the individual.
The concept of life as “role-playing” has permeated so
much of our society today. Take, for example, the societal
issue of homosexuality. When two men enter into what
they call a “relationship,” they are role-playing. Usually
one assumes the role of the husband, and the other assumes
the role of the wife. Neither is a real man. A real man
relates to a woman as God intended between husband and
wife. The one who plays the role of the husband in the

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