Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

homosexual relationship is not a real male, and the one who
plays the role of the wife in the homosexual relationship is
not a real female (obviously). It is a perverse form of role-
playing. Why is it that homosexuals are so often attracted
to, and found within, the fine-arts community? Ex.: actors,
actresses, musicians, artists, dancers. Is it because these
often engage in the unreality of role-playing?
The social issue of feminism looms large in our society
today. They are concerned about gender-roles. Thinking
that “wife” and “mother” are just roles that women play,
they aspire to the star-role of being C.E.O. of the company
or President of the United States. Will that make them more
of a woman? ...more female? ...more feminine? It will not.
It will only set them up as another kind of actress, playing
another role. Radical feminist theology wants to call God
“Mother” or “It.” They fallaciously think that “Father” is
just a role that God plays, and they want to recast His role.
Little do they realize that to say “God is our Father,” is to
explain and give meaning to Divine provision, protection,
propagation of life, etc. It is not just a title role. Radical
feminism mistakenly casts everything into the role-playing
of gender roles.

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