Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

The contemporary psychologism of identifying
dysfunctional families and their inter-relational traits,
likewise casts all family dynamics into role-playing. Family
members are regarded as playing different roles, such as
“codependent enabler,” the “scapegoat child,” etc. If the
relationship of a family is considered only as different
members playing different roles, it will be dysfunctional
A more recent phenomenon in the contemporary
electronic and digital world is the “virtual reality”
communities wherein role-playing is elevated to a
comprehensive and all-encompassing “second life.”
Participants fashion their own digidentity (digital +
identity), known as an “avatar,” and engage in business,
education, religion, and every other projection of human
life. The interaction of digital relationships even includes
elaborate marriage ceremonies to another role-playing
“avatar.” Many computer participants have become so
enamored and addicted to the “virtual reality” universe that
they have lost touch with the reality of the real world.
Is religion any different? Religion just presents
mankind with another stage on which to engage in yet
another avenue of “role-playing.” Sometimes this is

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