Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

nothing more than assuming the role of audience or
participant in the Sunday morning “production” of a
worship “performance.” Staged Christianity puts on the
show! It is all symbol without substance. When it is over
and the curtain closes, everyone takes off their costumes
and their masks and their make-up, and goes home until the
next production, feeling no need to maintain the role except
when they are on the religious stage. John Calvin refers to
such religious actors, noting that “in all ages there have
been certain worshippers of God who have worshiped him
like stage-players, whose holiness did wholly consist in
gestures and vain pomps.” 3
Sometimes religion casts itself as a lifestyle of role-
playing. The convert assumes the identity of a “Christian”
on the religious stage. They are expected to play the role
and stay “in character.” They repeat their lines, parrot their
part, and play their role. They “go through the motions”
knowing that the rituals are not reality. Religion is just a
“bit-part” they play in life. It’s not real. They are wearing
masks and costumes. It is hypocrisy! Their continuation in
such makes them enablers to one another in the fictional
drama that they are all play-acting, and they become
codependent to one another’s sins in dysfunctional religion.

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