Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Activistic religion has encouraged its cast to play
various roles in support of chosen causes. Often it is the
"crusader role" against abortion, pornography or specified
social evils. Other times it may be the "Good Samaritan
role," serving in a soup-kitchen or at a rescue mission. The
role is played with the utmost of sincerity as it is regarded
as the reality of their religion.
In order to play the role in the religious drama, there
must be a supporting cast to make the play work. Everyone
has to play the game together, and be willing to act-out the
same scenario, longing for the applause of a job well-done.
Without such the individualized hypocrisy becomes a
sham! The ecclesiastical community of the institutional
church has served as the supporting cast for this religious
Religion is a simulated reality – role-playing. The
misnomer of “Christian religion” has long encouraged its
cast to play the role of a Christian. People are encouraged
to “act like a Christian.” The effect upon others is
emphasized to the neglect of reality.
Christianity, as differentiated from "Christian religion,"
is not role-playing! The Christian identifies in spiritual
solidarity with Jesus Christ, who becomes his/her life, and

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