Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

false-persona of an actor or actress, but to the Reality of the
Person of Jesus Christ lived out through man.
This reality of an ontological identity with Christ is
relational, first in the personal relationship the Christian has
with Jesus Christ, and secondly in the relational community
of the Church wherein we need each other in order to
encourage one another (Heb. 10:25) in the living out of our
new identity. The Church is not merely a “supportive cast
for our role-playing;” it is the extended Body that shares in
the very Life of Jesus Christ that forms our identity as
“Christ-ones.” We are “in Him” together, sharing His Life,
and encouraging one another to behave like who we have
really and spiritually become. This genuine mutuality and
unity allows for no masks of hypocrisy, but allows us to
“drop our guard” in true transparency in order to live out
His life together.
Christianity is not role-playing! Christianity is the
reality of the Person of Jesus Christ lived out in Christian

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