Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1
Chapter Seven



In the first chapter we sought to explain that
Christianity is not a religion, despite the fact that the
misnomer of “Christian religion” does exist today. The
failure to differentiate between Christianity and religion has
created much confusion and obfuscation in the thinking of
both Christians and non-Christians. It has become
necessary to explain that the Christian religion, sometimes
referred to as “Christendom,” is the organized institutional
entity that many also mistakenly refer to as the “Church.”
That is why Soren Kierkegaard wrote a book entitled
Attack on Christendom, and explained that

“Christendom is an effort of the human race to go back to
walking on all fours, to get rid of Christianity, to do it knavishly
under the pretext that this is Christianity, claiming that it is
Christianity perfected. 1
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