Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

compartmentalize and systematize their thought into tightly
formulated structures, propagated in academic disciplines
such as systematic or dogmatic theology. They have a lust
for understanding and certainty that cannot be satiated until
they have conceived, created and constructed an ideological
Behind these narrow classifications of rational
explanation is the quest to cast all thought into an
explicable entity. They seem to think that all phenomena
must be made conceptually comprehensible and coherent. It
must be reduced and consolidated into an understandable
unit, which can then be labeled with an ...ism. By this
process of reductionism men have attempted to box up and
package human thought, to nail it down in air-tight
compartments, which can then be stereotyped and
“pegged.” Little do they seem to realize that air-tight
compartments are stale, stagnant and static, chambers of
death, tombs of tautology.
When the living reality and expression of the being and
activity of the eternal, infinite God in His Son, Jesus Christ,
is subjected to this simplification and summarization of
rational explanation, He is completely diminished and
transposed into a conceptual ...ism that in no way explains

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