Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

the divine reality of Christianity. God cannot be put in a
box! When men attempt to do so, they have only devised an
idea of God that is no larger than their cranial cavity, and
who would want a god that small? Yet, evidencing the
deification of their own human reason, men have continued
since the Fall to attempt to reduce God to a unit of thought.
In doing so they have accepted the original temptation they
that can “be like God,” for they can then take the religious
formulation of thought they have created in their minds,
manipulate it in their own interest, and control the
collective society of people thereby. Thus it is that
religionism attempts to “play God” in the lives of people,
and propagates a particular belief-system that becomes a
distinctive ...ism of a sociological movement.

Christian Religion and its ...isms

Many are the ...isms that have formed in the context of
Christian religion over the centuries, and which serve as a
denial of the divine reality of Christianity. Every such
...ism serves only as a pathetic diminishment of the divine
display of Christ’s life in Christians. They also serve as
bunkers behind which religionists can hide in order to
participate in their divisive positioning and posturing,

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