Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Jesus did not say anything like that! In fact, what
Buddha said is contrary to everything Jesus taught, and
everything recorded in the New Testament scriptures. Jesus
did not say, “Just remember my teaching.” Jesus said, “I
AM the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). “I AM the
way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). He did not say, “I
will show you the way; I will teach you the truth; I will
give you the life.” His own indwelling presence is the only
way for man to be man as God intended. The reality of His
person is the truth of God. The very personal presence of
the risen Lord Jesus is the life of the Living God, the
ontological essence of everything He came to bring to this
world. In Buddhism the person of Buddha may not be of
any importance except for historical observation, but in
Christianity the risen and living Person of Jesus Christ is
the reality of God’s presence restored to mankind.
Another story is told of Sadhu Sundar Singh 20 , a convert
from the religion of Sikhism to Christianity, who
eventually became one of India’s most well-known
Christians. A European professor of comparative religions
(who was himself an agnostic) interviewed the former
Sadhu one day, with the evident intention of showing him

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