Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

his mistake in renouncing another religion for what he
perceived to be the “Christian religion.”
The professor asked Mr. Singh, “What have you found
in the Christian religion that you did not have in your old
religion?” Sundar Singh answered, “I have Jesus.” “Yes, I
know,” the professor replied somewhat impatiently, “but
what particular principles or doctrines have you found that
you did not have before?” Sunday Singh replied, “The
particular person I have found is Jesus.”
Try as he might, the professor could not budge him
from that position. He went away discomfited but
Sundar Singh was right. The religions of the world have
some fine teachings, but they lack the person and life of
Jesus Christ, the dynamic presence of God in man.
A personal friend, Bill Hekman, was once seated on an
airplane and struck up a conversation with the gentleman
seated next to him. In their conversation the fellow-
passenger explained that he was a Professor of Islamic
Studies. Bill Hekman indicated that he was a Christian and
had been a missionary to Irian Jaya for twenty years, and
that he was returning to Indonesia to engage in Christian

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