Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Their conversation eventually included a discussion of
the extent to which the peoples of Indonesia had converted
from the predominant religion of Islam to Christianity, and
a mutual questioning of whether the Indonesian
government statistics of the percentages of Muslims and
Christians were accurate. Then the professor of Islamic
studies said something very surprising. He indicated that he
thought that Indonesia would someday be a primarily
Christian nation. Bill, though obviously hopeful of such,
was taken aback by such a prediction, and asked him why
he thought that this would take place. The professor
replied, “Because the Christians have Roh Allah.” Roh
Allah is the Indonesian expression for the “Spirit of God.”
This professor realized that there was a dynamic and power
in the “Spirit of God” that was beyond anything that Islam
had in their belief-system that traced back to the teaching of
Mohammed. Indeed there is, for the “Spirit of Christ” is the
vital dynamic of the living Lord Jesus, who as God comes
to live in the Christian and empower him for the out-
working of God’s character and work. May his surprising
prediction prove true!
There are many religions in the world, such as
Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism,

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